
Rainbow's Obsession

Discussion about Book Obsessions, Arashi, Music, Travel, Writing and so much more!


Fan Fiction

Short Story Reincarnation
by DevGoddess

Finally had the guts to make this story Live woot woot XD


Short Story: Caught on Camera

I said I will post the complete version a week or so ago, sorry. It was hard to type, and to do all of these  things when I’m so busy with school stuffs. I have different assignments in different classes, schedules that need to be fixed, subjects that needs to be dropped and all of my life drama.

So! I hope you guys enjoy reading this 🙂

Short Story: Coming Soon

I have been busying myself with school works and YouTube videos lately. Ever since I watched the video featuring the channel of “PewDiePie” I was back on the YouTube train and been on a video binge. After watching Felix Kjellberg’s videos for a whole week I think, I came across “KickthePJ” channel and was in seventh heaven.

PJ Liguori is a short story film maker kind of guy and ever since I watched his videos, my mind went “Yeah, This is it.” It is the kind of thing that I would want to do myself. I write the stories, I get to film them, tell people how the characters should act, and maybe a cameo of myself in that story.

And so, I made a short story (fan fiction, rather XD) inspired by this amazing British guy with green eyes and a great mind. I will be posting the story sometime this week or by the time I officially placed “THE END” on that story. (Might change my mind and make a sequel if I felt like it. Who knows?)

Until next time!


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