
Rainbow's Obsession

Discussion about Book Obsessions, Arashi, Music, Travel, Writing and so much more!




Please do not make me cry,

Because it is hard to try,

To stop these tears falling by,

While looking up the winter sky.


There were happy memories,

We shared beautiful melodies,

Told life secrecies,

That changed our life histories.


Did everything for you and asked nothing back,

You always told me to cut you some slack,

That is why I didn’t react,

When I caught you in the act.


I thought the situation will drive me mad,

But no, surprisingly it just made me sad,

I’ve never thought someone could be that bad,

Letting you go was the best choice I ever had.

(December 6, 2015)

By: Rayne Sumner


Most people think taking them should be scheduled,

Some of them are too busy to do them on time,

Some of them struggle to find the resources to get them,

But most people don’t have problem acquiring them.


People waste them because they paid for it,

People are taking advantage of them just because they can,

But to some people they are worth gold,

To some people they are treasure and hard to find.


Most people sleep at night sated and satisfied,

Some people sleep at night so they could ignore it,

Most people can just take them and consume them without facing problems,

Some people look for them in the dumpsters; steal them and faces a lot of complications.


Most people don’t have to experience what it is like to be hungry,

To some people who deals with them everyday it is a constant experience,

Always wondering when they will be able to have food inside their stomachs,

Wondering when would they stop wondering when would their stomachs have their fill again.

(November 11, 2015)

by Rayne Sumner

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